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ArticlesThe history of the aquarium


AQUARIUM (lat. Aquarium, from aqua - water), container for keeping and breeding of aquatic animals and plants, as well as the establishment, which contains representatives from marine and freshwater fauna and flora for the purpose of study and demonstration. The first public aquarium was opened in 1853 in London. The most famous aquariums in Naples and Monaco; large aquariums set up in the United States and Japan. Large marine aquariums often called Oceanarium.

The ancient predecessors aquarium

The first aquarists were Chinese. About four thousand years, they contain a variety of fish and plant (first in artificial reservoirs, later in the vessels), almost two thousand years, continues the famous goldfish breeding. Mass breeding goldfish hobby dates back to the Song Dynasty (10-13 centuries). About two and a half thousand years ago in other Asian countries - Japan began to breed carp and display decorative breed these fish - koi and goldfish in Japan gained great feathery form.


New fish, which we have in stock or we can bring from another countries!
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